Sunday, March 20, 2011

March- Week Three- Week of Yoga Breakdown

Well, my plan was to do one of these weekly breakdown posts after completing each week, but the past few weeks, when I get to Saturday, I can't remember what I did on Monday. Sad, I know. Things are a little crazy here. I need to just write it down every day so that when I get to Saturday...I can see what I did on everyday.  I will try to do that from now on so I can give a breakdown each week instead of sporadically.

In any case, here is this week's yoga breakdown:

Day 1: 15 Minute Results Yoga: Upper Body

Day 2:  Yoga for Stamina

Day 3: 15 Minute Results Yoga: Lower Body

Day 4: AM Yoga

Day 5: AM Yoga

Day 6: Yoga for Strength


  1. Hi, I too fell in love with Kaylee, but I am not in a position to adopt. I have posted about her on Facebook to raise awareness, donated to her fund and will try to raise money at work on her behalf. Hopefully her family will find her soon.

  2. Hi Lea!

    Thanks for you comment and for your work on behalf of Kaylee. Such a sweet looking little girl. I hope that her family finds her soon. Keep in touch and if anyone who you know who donates and wants to be listed on here as a sponsor, please let me know their names and I will include them!
